University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown


your path to pitt graphic

For Students Relocating to the Pittsburgh Campus:

Each school within the University of Pittsburgh campus has different requirements.  Please visit the link below for the school you are interested in relocating to.  These requirements MUST be met before completing a request to relocate.  
Forms must be completed the semester prior to the term you are wishing to relocate (For example, if you wish to relocate for the spring term, you must complete your form in the fall).  
Once you have determined you have met the requirements, please follow the instructions on the UPJ Relocation form that can be found here. 
 Dietrich School of Arts & Sciences 


Relocation is guaranteed for students who meet following requirements:

A cumulative gpa of 3.0.  
45 credits (A minimum of 30 must be completed at the Johnstown campus). 

English Composition 2 (C- or better)
College Algebra (C- or better) or higher-level math.

 College of General Studies


Relocation is guaranteed for students who meet following requirements:

A cumulative gpa of 2.5
45 credits (A minimum of 30 must be completed at the Johnstown campus). 

English Composition 2 (C- or better)
College Algebra (C- or better) or higher-level math.


College of Business Administration


To be considered for relocation (Non-Guaranteed):

A cumulative gpa of 3.0 or higher.  
Minimum of 30 credits applicable to a Business Administration degree

Complete following prerequisites with an average of 3.00 or better:

Business Calculus or Analytical Geometry and Calculus I


School of Computing & Information 

To be considered for relocation (Non-Guaranteed):

  • A cumulative gpa of 3.0 or higher.  
  • Minimum of 30 credits applicable to a Business Administration degree
    • Complete following prerequisites with an average of 3.00 or better:
      • Microeconomics
      • Macroeconomics
      • Business Calculus or Analytical Geometry and Calculus I
Swanson School of Engineering 

To be considered for relocation (Non-Guaranteed):

Students must have a cumulative 3.0 GPA with a “C” or better in their math & science courses. 

The exception to this in Bioengineering and Engineering Science, which require 3.5 cum GPA.  

A minimum of 24 credits completed 

Calculus 1 & 2
Physics (Calc-based) 1 & 2,
General Chemistry 1 & 2
Intro to Engineering Analysis & Intro to Engineering Computing
Students missing one or more required courses are looked at on a case-by-case basis.

Relocation Request Dates

Fall Term:  Submit request by April 1
Spring Term:  Submit relocation request by November 1


School of Health and Rehabilitation Services

To be considered for relocation (Non-Guaranteed):

A cumulative gpa of 2.5 - 3.0 (requirements vary by program).    
Minimum of 60 credits 
Submission of personal statement using School of Public Health Internal Transfer Application Form.
Relocation Request Dates

Fall Term:  Submit request by March.

We highly recommend students interested in SHRS programs to contact a SHRS enrollment specialists with questions about relocation for specific programs.  Please contact



School of Public Health

To be considered for relocation (Non-Guaranteed):

A cumulative gpa of 3.0 or higher.  
Minimum of 30 credits 
Submission of personal statement using School of Public Health Internal Transfer Application Form.
Relocation Request Dates

Fall Term:  Submit request by February 15
Spring Term:  Submit relocation request by October 1


Students Wishing to relocate to Johnstown or Another Regional Campus

Students may also relocate to another regional campus. A minimum QPA of 2.00 is required for relocation. The specific courses that students should take will depend on the intended major. If you are relocating to Pitt Johnstown from another Pitt campus, please visit the relocation person on your campus to start your relocation process.