Effective February 28, 2018
of the
Article 1: Organization Name
The name of the organization shall be the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown Alumni Association.
Article 2: Mission
The Alumni Association’s Mission is: “To engage and enrich alumni and students and to represent and support the mission of the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, including but not limited to raising funds for scholarships and other endeavors approved by the association.”
The Alumni Association is part of the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown and not an unincorporated nonprofit association under Pennsylvania law.
Article 3: Definition of Alumnus
Any person who has received a degree or certificate from the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. This shall include all students who completed their education at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown prior to the University receiving 4 years status (Asphalt Campus Students) or have matriculated from the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown to the University of Pittsburgh. This shall also include all students or former students in good standing who have completed a minimum of 24 credits at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown.
The Board of Directors also has the authority to designate any outside individual as an Honorary Alumni with a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
Article 4: Campus Organizations
Any recognized campus organization in good standing is permitted to designate a non-voting representative to the Alumni Association.
Article 5: Meetings
Section 1: Regular Meetings
The Alumni Association shall hold no less than 4 meetings of its board each year. The Board shall give written notice by letter or electronic communications of the meetings to members at least 30 days prior to the meeting. Any member of the board desiring to place an item on the agenda at any meeting shall notify the Executive Director and the President of the Alumni Association by phone, writing, email, or text at least 10 business days prior to any meeting. Agenda items will be added at the discretion of the Executive Director and the President.
Section 2: Special Meetings
Other meetings of the Board may be called at any time by the Executive Director and/or the President, provided that at least five business days’ notice is given in written or electronic communications prior to any such meeting.
Section 3: Quorum and Attendance
- Quorum: Fifty percent (50%) plus one of the voting members of the Board present at any meeting shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting any and all business of the Alumni Association.
- Attendance: Any member of the Board may participate in any meeting of the Board or of a committee by means of remote conferencing capabilities or similar communications means by which all persons participating in the meeting are able to communicate with one another. Participation in a meeting in this manner by a member of the Board will be considered to be attendance in person for all purposes under these bylaws.
- Voting: Members of the Board shall be authorized to cast votes electronically or by any other means instructed by the President.
Section 4: Rules of Order
The rules of procedure at meetings of the Alumni Association shall be those set forth in Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised unless otherwise superseded in these bylaws.
Article 6: Nominations and Elections of Board and Officers
Section 1: Board of Directors
- The Board of Directors will be elected by the memberships of the Alumni Association. The membership of the Board will consist of 21 alumni in good standing with the University and meeting all qualifications detailed in these bylaws along with the Past President of the Alumni Association Board of Directors.
- The 21 members of the Board shall serve equal 3-year terms with 7 members to be elected each year.
- Notice of the intent to hold an election will be sent to the Alumni Association no later than December 1stand may be distributed by mail, email, or other electronic communications.
- Nominations for the Board of Directors will be accepted from notification of the election until the last working day of February. Nominations must include a photograph and short biography/resume.
- Elections will officially be open from the first working day in April until the first working day in May. Voting will be conducted through voting by mail or utilizing the online voting system developed by the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown.
- Winning results of the election shall be posted on the Alumni Association website and a full tally of all votes can be requested from the Alumni Association. This notice shall be no later than 1 week prior to the scheduled May meeting of the Alumni Association Board of Directors.
- Newly elected board members will be seated prior to the first annual meeting in July.
- Board members shall be limited to two consecutive terms. After a period of one year, a member may be reelected.
Section 2: Election of Executive Committee and Officers and Vacancies
- The Executive Committee shall be made up of the Officers, including President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, one Director-at-Large, and Past President.
- Any sitting or newly elected board member (serving July 1st to June 30th) who will hold a position on the Alumni Board of Directors in the coming year may nominate officers.
- Nominations will be accepted from the May meeting until the first working day July.
- At the first meeting of the new year (July meeting) the Executive Director will provide a written ballot to all attending board members for the positions of officers. Any members attending remotely must provide their ballot via digital communications.
- The winners of the officer election will be seated immediately to conduct the business of the Association.
- Officers shall be elected at the beginning of each new fiscal year.
- Each officer position shall be for a period of two years and held on odd number years.
- Each Board of Director may hold a specific officer position for no more than 2 consecutive terms no counting Past President.
Section 3: Responsibilities of the Board of Directors and Removal from Office
- Any member of the Board may be removed at any time for conduct significantly detrimental of prejudicial to the public image of the University or the Alumni Association. The removal will be effective when it is approved by two-thirds of the voting members of the Board of Directors.
- Responsibilities of Board Members include the following:
- Attendance of a least 3 meetings of the Association each year.
- Monetary Donation to the University no later than December 1st.
- This includes a minimum of $10 per month fee to be used at the direction of the Alumni Board of Directors.
- This includes a minimum of $10 per month fee to be used at the direction of the Alumni Board of Directors.
- Participation in at least 1 standing committee.
- Attendance of a least 3 meetings of the Association each year.
- Failure to meet the responsibilities detailed in these bylaws will results in dismissal from the board automatically.
Section 4: Vacancies
- A vacancy on the Board of Directors will be replaced at the next election. The duration of the vacant seat will remain consistent with the originally elected Board Member.
- The vacancy will be filled by the next highest vote getter during the election after the full-term seats are filled.
Article 7: Committees
Section 1: Standing Committees
- Executive Committee
- Scholarships
- Social Outreach
- Student Relations
Section 2: Ad Hoc Committees
Ad Hoc committees may be created and eliminated as needed by the Board of Directors.
Article 8: Financial Reporting
A report on the financial health, account standings, and University Financial Report (FGAR311 – Level 1 Financial Reports, FGAR321 – Level 2 Financial Reports and any of these reports successors if they are replaced by the University) will be provided to the Board of Directors, in written form, by the Executive Director two weeks prior to each meeting.
Article 9: Executive Director
- The Executive Director of the Alumni Association shall be a paid staff member of the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown and will be appointed each year by the President of the University.
- The Executive Director shall be responsible for the conduct of daily and routine business in accordance with the policies and procedures described by the University.
Article 10: Amending the Bylaws
These bylaws may be opened and amended by two thirds vote of the Board of Directors present at two consecutive meetings. These meetings include regular board meetings and special meetings that have been properly advertised under the bylaws.