University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown

Residence Life

group of upj students outside

Our Commitment to YOU

The Residence Life team is here to make your campus residential experience a great one.  More than 50 dedicated residence hall staff members (RAs and HRAs) are trained to help you navigate your on-campus experience.  Our ultimate goal is to create an inclusive environment that enhances your personal growth and development through individual and group experiences. 

Our commitment to you includes:

  • Promoting diversity by modeling behaviors and providing support that foster respect and understanding of not only yourself but others.
  • Creating programs to help you develop positive academic and professional habits that will lead you to collegiate success and success in the real world.
  • Fostering personal responsibility by engaging you in service to others.
  • Encouraging healthy relationship by promoting good communication skills, respect for others and self, and promoting civil resolutions to conflicts. 

We are here to listen, guide, and support you because your time spent on campus will provide you with some of the best memories and enduring friendships of your life. 

Become an RA!

Residence Life Staff

Kelly Devett, Assistant Director of Residence Life

Samantha Fuller, Graduate Area Coordinator

Madison Kiser, Graduate Area Coordinator

Madeleine Robinson, Graduate Area Coordinator


Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Resident Assistant (RA)?
  • A Resident Assistant (RA) is a paraprofessional staff member of the Office of Residence Life.  The RA is responsible for the creation and perpetuation of a living environment conducive to the intellectual, emotional, cultural, and social development of her/his residence community. 
  • The responsibilities of RAs are carried out under the supervision of Graduate Area Coordinators (GACs), Area Coordinator (AC), and the Director of Residence Life.
What is an Area Coordinator (AC)?

An AC is a professional staff member of the Office of Residence Life. The AC is responsible for supervising the Resident Assistants. They are also responsible for overseeing all operations and concerns of certain residential areas on campus. An AC serves as a community resource and helps to foster a living environment that promotes the intellectual, emotional, cultural and social development of their residence community and overall well-being of residence life.

What is a Head Resident Assistant (HRA)?
  • A Head Resident Assistant (Head RA) is a paraprofessional staff member of the Office of Residence Life.  The Head Resident Assistant is responsible for the creation and perpetuation of a living environment conducive to the intellectual, emotional, cultural, and social development of her/his residence community and overall residence.  In addition, the Head RA serves as a peer leader to Resident Assistants (RAs).
  • The responsibilities of Head Resident Assistants are carried out under the supervision of Graduate Area Coordinators (GACs), Area Coordinator (AC), and the Director of Residence Life.
How many RAs are there?

Typically there are 40 RAs and 11 HRAs

​How do I become an RA?
  • You must have a 2.5 GPA or higher
  • Good judicial standing
  • Please see our tab about how to become an RA.
What do Resident Assistants do?
  • Establish relationships with each student with her/his designated residential group and familiarize herself/himself with residents’ needs.
  • Familiar with all university offices and services and able to serve as a referral agent in applicable cases.
  • Serve as a peer for students on social, personal, and academic problems and make appropriate referrals.
  • Encourage students to think through solutions to their own problems, as opposed to immediately providing them with your personal advice.
  • Encourage residents to attend University programs, such as Programming Board programs, athletic events, etc.
  • Promote individual student involvement in campus academic and social organizations.
  • Are aware of how the residence community is doing and respond to any issues.
  • Know, communicate, enforce, and abide by all university codes, policies, procedures, and regulations.
  • Address violations of university policy(ies) and/or procedure(s) with consistent action.
  • Coordinate programs based on the interests, needs, and wants of their designated residence community.
  • Assist in maintaining a safe and clean residence community.
  • Assist with the opening and closing of the residence halls.
​Why do RAs program?
  • They coordinate programs based on the interests, needs, and wants of your designated residence community.

  • Programs help to achieve inclusion, community and student engagement.

  • Programming in residence halls helps achieve the intellectual, emotional, cultural, and social development of residents.

​How can I find out about programs that RAs put on?
  • All upcoming programs are posted in each residence community. You can also talk with your RA about upcoming programs.

What are some of the things that the Office of Residence Life can assist me with?

  • Anything that is an issue/concern of a student/parent in our residence communities
  • Room changes
  • Lost Keys
  • Minor/severe maintenance issues
  • Health/ safety checks
  • Roommate conflicts
  • Residence Life staff issues/concerns
  • Upcoming Programs
  • Opening and closing of residence halls

What do the residence halls offer?

  • First-Year Halls: Pool tables, ping pall tables, TV in the lobbies, exercise rooms, study rooms, lobby areas, laundry rooms, and recreation rooms
  • Lodges: Lobby area and laundry rooms
  • Townhouses: Laundry room
  • College Park Apartments: Recreation room, laundry room and lobby area
  • Living and Learning Center: Pool tables, ping pall tables, TV in recreation room, exercise room, lobby areas, laundry room, and recreation room.
  • Willow: laundry room, exercise room, and lobby area

Who do I contact if I have a problem? 

  • Maintenance issue: File a maintenance request on Campus Services if minor. If severe, contact the RA on duty.
  • Roommate, personal, student, resident, or building issue/ concern: Contact RA on duty. If this is an emergency please contact campus police at 814-269-7005.
  • Locked out of building/ room: Contact RA on duty.
  • Issue with an RA: Contact the Office of Residence Life, Student Union 130 or 814-269-7115

​How do I know which RA is on call?

  • Each residence community has their RA duty schedule posted in their residence communities.
Where can I find the RA on call number?
  • Each residence community has their RA duty number posted in their residence communities.